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Most items on our site are in-stock and ready to ship. Exceptions include rings that require sizing and “Design Your Own Jewellery” items. For more information, please read the details below.
Loose Diamonds
The order process begins as soon as your online purchase is completed. Your loose diamond will be shipped once the item is located, your payment is approved, and the receiving address is verified. We generally ship loose diamonds within 48 to 72 hours.
Design Your Own Jewellery
Items in this section usually require some additional time for fulfillment. Expected delivery time is usually 2 to 4 weeks. Your order item will be shipped once it is ready, your payment is approved, and the receiving address is verified.
Please note that sometimes with the volume of orders we receive, an item can go out of stock before we're able to post notification to the site. If this happens, we will notify you personally so we can help you find another item.
Custom Designed Jewellery
We offer custom designed jewellery. If you do not see the design you want. Send us your design and we will make it. Due to the uniqueness of custom design jewellery we do not offer refund on custom design pieces.
Fancy Colored Diamonds
If you are interested in fancy coloured diamonds please call a consultant at 888-970-0399 to find out what items we have available.
Canadian Diamonds
We provide a broad range of high-quality Canadian diamonds.
Shipments are Insured
We fully insure each order all the way to you. That means that when your order is in transit to you, shipment is always risk-free. For added security, it is our policy that a signature is required for all Adamas orders, regardless of any signature waivers you may have with FedEx.
Shipping to Alternative Address
If you prefer, we can ship your order to an address other than your billing address. As a security precaution, we require that your alternate shipping address be on file with your credit card company. This step helps protect you from fraudulent charges to your credit card. If you would like to arrange delivery to a FedEx location call one of our customer service agents at 888-970-0399.